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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trip to Tawpan, Lyon-Amsterdam-Bangkok-Taipei

OK lets start with some introduction - I`ll try to make a blog - but I am not peaty sure how it will going to work with updates... So..

First time going so far away made me worried before my flight. When having only experience with EasyJet - I expected that this will be really scary trip where I will have to compact myself to the small size to be able to fit in the seat for at least 16h :)...

However I wasn`t so bad from Fr to Amsterdam - we even had a little - what I call nano- croissant (standard scale of 1/4 of the normal one) with coffee .. but always ...

In Amsterdam it was a logisticall disaster - so many people trying to find their way somewhere and compleat mess with gates - especially when your luggage it travelling automatically when you switch the plains ...
 but generally after passing 4 information points and coming back to nothing my problem was solved and I could spend this 4 free hours before next flight by exploring wonderfull promise land of the duty free zone :) ... It`s amazing what you can find here , piano concerts, extremely short haircuts ... It helped me discovered that there is a different world out there :)

After 2h of boring boarding ...god knows why it took so long ... but still I was in Amsterdam (logisticall cathastrophy)... Finally, first time in my life I passed thought the connection tunnel (wonderfull feeling :) ) to access my plain to Bangkok... just after, believe me I understood a meaning of the word : aircraft :) - never saw something this big - maybe in the movies, where their hijacking airplanes (USA ones ...)

Finally the seat where I could be comfortable with blanket and a pillow , headphones and all the stuff ... I was impressed ... Than they feed us :) ..., diner, super , alcohols, whatever you want, free snack ... (I even received a newspaper in Chines

 - looks tempting for google translations once I will be bored in my life ... Basically the one and only thing that one could understood was image of Taipeis highest building :) ...)

Durring this flight I understood why the ticket costed so much - it was worth it as the food was incredibly good (thank you China airlines) ... I saw 4 movies and the crash travel guides to Taiwan its original food specialties. Moreover next to me traveled a nice Netherland family - very openminded, so with all movie stuff and discussions time went really fast and after ... 13h later we arrived at Bangkok ...

When entering the airport you could right away notice different culture , especially language was different (there was also on each seat sign for Buddha monks - something like a half of the mommy ...)... impressive ... After 4th check (counting everyone) could finally access my last plain to Taiwan ...  (this time it was good as the number of passengers was reduced to 1/20 of what it was before...)

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