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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day Two

I started this day smoothly with nice breakfast served in our Hotel and just after joint Irina and Ervin. We wanted to explore more of interesting places in Taipei so this part will contain huge amount of pictures.

We had a lot of time before planed meeting with our old dear friend, Ing Song afternoon so we randomly pointed out one direction and went strait ahead looking for adventure.

First thing that I noticed here was and old communist style working scheme (1 working - 5 looking ) - heheh like in Poland with constructions yards ...

We than crossed mode of the street markets, to find more interesting things that people here are cooking and selling ...

Now I understand that the eye of the fish can be as big as my hand - it was really impressive ... :)

Some sellers gave us fruits to try - regional ones ... with interesting forms and tastes ...
(you also have impression that everything here is around the food ... ?.. :)

Than we continued and after just a while found this wonderfull National Hall with old Chinease style architecture buildings with nice park - so it was firs chance to make some nice photos.

Than we found a restaurant as it was getting late to eat something before metting Ing Song and believe me we took many tasty things ... was difficult to eat all this .. :). It seams that they like very much to use spices and ale combination of tastes with chicken and beef ... But it was wonderfull , many salads etc ...

After this culinary adventure we had to take a buss to travel to the meeting point with our friend .. and this was fun as every station is pronounced in the same way (at least for me... :) ) and it was hard to decide at what station we have o get out :) - fun :)

And than finally Ing Song who brought us to a night market ... where we could try different things, and see many cheap closes etc. ..

Will have to do it once again as our attention was attracted by a chines religious ceremony of birthday of one of their gods.

Than back to the game ... I could try so called Bubble Tea - one of the things that you cannot miss here ... really special it was but tasty ...

We went to Ing Songs house to meet his family ( rely great - Thank you Ing Song !!! ) and had a pleasure to take a metro !!! and here - suprise : people are extremely organized !!! I liked it!!

For example : when taking stairway (automatic stairs ) everybody is nearby right side to left a passage for others that are in hurry so that could use the left side of same stairs .... secondly, you have the lines in metro station that you have to follow to enter the metro it`s like parking places for a sets of people to wait in the right place , not to disturb people going to get out of the train ... and finally when there was too much people that didn't enter into the metro wagone ... decided to wait for another - and believe me there was still the place ... they just crossed over the lines limits .... What a wonderfull self-organization ...

Some other fotos :

Now let me work on my presentation ... ;) and other important things ...

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