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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Intermag 2011 - Day Two

It was a hard day work today

- starting with the presentation, that went quite smoothly and was followed with two posters sessions afternoon I had ... This was really exhausting as many people were asking questions all day long ... Anyway about a poster transportation ... brrr... it`s getting me nervous, especially when I`m thinking about coming back with all the thins that we have (two backpack, poster tube, photo camera + all the things that we are going to buy ... :) )

We didn`t even had time to try some of the Taiwan specialties during lunch break today - hopefully after toady's sessions we had a beer one also to relax...

No photos today as I was already overcharger with all the things today and there was no more place left in my backpack ...

Almost forgot, I will put one photo of the building that suprised me with it`s ... how to say that.... just take a look ...

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