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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Intermag vs. Tea Houses

There was nothing particularly to describe about yesterday ... but today ...

After morning speeches we first wanted to go to pleanary ( afternoon, special) speech but finally we decided to make a little trip to Taipei's Zoo as the subject wan not really in phase with ours exceptions!!!

Of course after lunch, which didn`t went well - I mean it was expensive and not good a t all ... Sometimes it`s funny that you don`t quite know what are you going to eat..

Main conclusion for this restaurant is that:

-when the soup is the worst thing in you`re life that you ever eat

there will be no way of making it good, just run from this place .!!! - we tried “Harry Potter” style really hardly but it didn`t work neither...

After that we went to this zoo place, but apparently seeing that its closing at 17h00 and it was 16:40 we found closed gates .... sad ....

This motivated us to take a mountain cabin that climebed up to 1000m and travelled the distance of 4km !!!

 - up to small villages known for their tea !!! It was an amazing trip, changing my point of view of this city -giving some perspectives ...

Moreover, for the first time I could see the real jungle !!! ( what I found later, full of different noises of strange animals).

Durring this mechanical hiking we could see famous tea fields and really nice village houses. When we climb up there was quite many things to visit .... We decided to make a little tour to try many different kind of teas in many places ...

Like before we didn`t have much luck ( maybe it was the day ..) and in the first place that we chose they expected us to pay for :

-and of course consome an amount of the higher that set limit !!!

Scandal !!! ( don`t want to now ow much their charged for toiled - and in function of what...) - it was really expensive .... so we get out of there as fast as we could ...towards another tea house direction.

Meanwhile, we went out of our trail for a while to see the tea fields ( and of course try local specialties on the stick ...) . This was really fruitfull in the point of view of my experience ( first time could see how does it look like the real tea tree ...).

Just after this short detour we went to the some of the local specialty and of course, most important - to try different kinds of the. That was the wonderfull part !!! Of course people didn`t understand English so in the point of view of the food we weren't sure what we are eating .. :)

Moreover, all descriptions gave choise on english, but between chineas words :

Anyway this motivated us to go to the tea house to buy something for others ....

Sellers were very friendly and prepared many different kinds of the tea we could try before buying it. (here we saw 9 years old pumpkin specially prepared this way for consumption as a tea ...

and of course we did try some other teas 

It was funny experience...

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