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Monday, April 25, 2011

Registration Day -Intermag 2011 day 1

Today was he first day of our conference, so we worked hard ...

 Just after having our breakfast ... wait something happend than - of course there was two strange guys that came to the dinning room and from the first look I knew that they are from Poland... what a shame ... sockets with sandals ... flag detail for Polish - basic ones- guys abroad ... what a shame .... ( because as I will learn later , they came to the conference also ...brrr

OK, back to the subject... after lunch we worked on our presentations, language (not to swear during presentation) etc proudly represent our lab during presentations, starting with me tomorrow at 9h we just met up for eating before the conference started (17h - as there was invited speeches - tutorial stuff....and registration only ...).

When we were going to to the restaurant we tried to find a hotel for staying after conference , but this was difficult, as we found only hotels that are much more expensive than the one where we are staying now - it seems that we found a perfect price.quality/distance ratio, so possibly we will extent our stay here before going to the cost adventure :) - will see most of the things will come with time :)

Anyway, we went to the restaurant recommended by Ing Song. It was a noodle type food that they served there and of course we ordered some of the specialities - but what I wanted to say was :

-that the food was excellent

- and that the tea cups they they provided at he beginning was always full - when you drunk something from you're cup , right away there was a “the guardian lady” that came to fill it out ... I did a little experiment there : drink my the and then started to count the time before my cup was filled once again.... and she reacted late, as she was in the other room : 20s .... this resulted in many visits to the bathroom as we drunk something like 3l /pers.... afterwards :)

For the tutorial in the conference ... hmm boring ..!!!! Hopefully I could extend my patience by provided liquids (beer and stronger ones ) and just after had a little time to do some photos by night when returning to the hotel to prepare myself for tomorrow ....

And moreover two remarkable, worth mentioning things happend : we spoted second in Taipei garbage can !!!!

And first PUB with accual beer - rare in Taipi !!!:

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